Mindfulness Monthlies @ Lifeline

Mindfulness Monthlies are a once-a month topical session offered for those who have completed the six-week introductory mindfulness class at Lifeline. You can pick & choose as you like, however, attending the first session is highly recommended.

If you have interest and are unable to attend due to a schedule conflict, the session will be recorded and will be available for registrants to watch after the fact.

September Session:

The Power of Self Compassion

The only person you are with every minute of every day, for your entire life is YOU. How are you treating yourself? Friend or Foe?

And this isn't soft fuzzy stuff.  An explosion of research into self-compassion over the last decade has shown its benefits for well-being. Individuals who are more self-compassionate tend to have greater happiness, life satisfaction and motivation, better relationships and physical health, and less anxiety and depression

They tend to be higher-performing, more resilient and more motivated!  Plus, it feels incredibly empowering and friendly! 

In this session, we will explore the myths of self-compassion, understand the research and begin to learn practices for how to be your best ally.  This is the foundation for much of the rest of the work.  

Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Time: 11:00 - 12:00 EST

Location: Class will be offered via a hybrid model - you can choose to join from the office or via Zoom.

October Session

Working with the Inner Critic

For many of us, the inner critic can be so ingrained we may not even hear it.  We may simply believe the tirade of "we aren't enough," “I should be doing more, faster, better.”  We are always hustling for our worthiness.  

This is an exceptionally painful and tiring way to live and move through life - as a parent, child, employee, partner, caregiver.   Plus it holds us back from creativity, vulnerability, courage, risk-taking - all the aspects involved in creating a life and career with intention.  

In this session, we will explore the roots of the inner critic and talk about strategies and practices to begin the journey of disarming the inner critic.  

Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Time: 11:00 - 12:00 EST

Location: Class will be offered via a hybrid model - you can choose to join from the office or via Zoom.

Building our Emotional Intelligence

November Session

Our emotional landscape shapes the way we see the world.  Many of us operate in our emotional worlds in one of two ways:  we stuff our emotions and/or they consume us.   There can be a better way. 

Shame, fear, doubt, anger, sadness are a natural part of living and not something to be feared or ignored.  They are what give life depth & richness- if we ignore the difficult emotions, we also mute the positive ones.  Our ability to recognize and work with our emotions, has strong effects on our happiness, our presence and our wisdom.   In this session, we will start to explore different ways to relate to our emotional life.  

Note:  As a bonus, these practices can be exceptionally helpful skills for us to learn as parents so we arm our children with different tools than we may have received. 

Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Time: 11:00 - 12:00 EST

Location: Class will be offered via a hybrid model - you can choose to join from the office or via Zoom.

December Session

The Power of Listening

As leaders, as parents, as caring individuals -  often the greatest gift we can give someone is the full power of our attention.  

Our ability to listen deeply has a big impact on our influence, as well as our ability to respond compassionately and wisely.  When we fully listen to understand, rather than look for an opening in which we can respond, we open up a new way of presence in our everyday lives.  In this session, we will practice listening in a different way.  No experience is necessary, just bring a sense of curiosity and interest.  

Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Time: 11:00 - 12:00 EST

Location: Class will be offered via a hybrid model - you can choose to join from the office or via Zoom.