Pause & Connect Workshop Series

  • Is your team showing up as tired, frustrated, having lack of energy or motivation? 

  • Do you sense them losing their connectedness to each other or to the mission of the organization? 

  • Is there a high level of frustration or stress (with the job, the demands,  each other)? 

  • Are you worried about burn out?  

  • Are they in roles where empathy, creativity and wise thinking are needed? 

Pause & Connect Workshop Series

Give your team a chance to reconnect with themselves & each other in a practical & intentional way

This Workshop Series Teaches Several Core Aspects of Mindfulness & Has The Following Goals:

Connection - Facilitate a way in which the team can connect in an intentional way 

Awareness - Enable each person to touch into a moment of stillness, appreciation or awe (this is when learning moves from theoretical to experienced)

Respite - Create a short break from from the frenetic nature of work and life

Tools - Empower each participant to leave with a few practices that individually resonated that they can take with them to help grow focus & emotional regulation

The most frequently mentioned comment in post-workshop surveys is the sense of gratitude of being able to slow down and participate in an activity like this.

“I loved this. It was a chance to be human and connect in a human way with my peers” — Workshop participant

How it is Structured:

This program consists of 4 sessions, held over a 4 to 6 week period.   The first and third sessions are 2.5 hour workshops and the second and 4th sessions are 60-min practice touchpoints.

The first workshop is centered around Creating Pause - using breath and body grounding practices to regulate one’s nervous system in times of dysregulation (stress, overwhelm, strong emotions).   While some formal meditation will be introduced, the bulk of the workshop is focused on micro, on-the-go practices 

Following the first workshop we have a check-in (virtual) where we uncover what worked and where challenges arose throughout the week.  

The second workshop is around Cultivating Kindness (and other helpful energizing emotions, like empathy and compassion).  It’s indeed possible to work under pressure and stress and to still feel patience and kindness  towards others. But how can we find compassion when our brain tells us to do the exact opposite?  We will do practices as a team that grow our innate sense of connection and kindness.   

Finally, the 4th virtual check-in will act as a cornerstone for the work and learnings done to date.  

What People Say

Let’s Get Started!